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05 October 2003 - 11:18 AM

Links and More

It's been awhile, so let's just get out of the way the reason why I took a break. The school semester started. Check back for previous breaks in writing around Aug/Sept and Jan/Feb; it happens every semester. I thought it wouldn't be so bad since I'm not a student now and I don't have homework, but they gave me soooooo many work hours that I couldn't see straight. Wake up, go work, come home, eat, sleep, ad nauseum. Blech. On top of that the nearness of Mars to Earth seemed to be having an odd effect on everyone on campus. At least that was the best theory we could come up with for why the second week of the semester was still happening during the sixth week. The second week sucks for interpreters. Students are adding classes, but the people who are going to drop haven't done so yet. We are totally slammed, but the office overloads our schedules because they know things will shake out and we'll be fine in a week or so. But not this semester. It took 6 weeks. Finally I had 6 hours (2 classes) drop and so I'm down to 31 hours per week. Unfortunately, those were 6 overtime hours, so it's going to have a slightly bigger effect on my paycheck. So I'm happy that I can come home and have dinner on Tues/Thurs, but I still have to go back and work one more class. I wish that was on OT thing, but too bad. Enough of my whining.

The inspiration for finally writing is that I found some cool sites I want to share. It's faster to put them here than to update my jump page, so I decided to do this first.

The first is one is Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About, abbreviated TMGAIHAA. It's one giant long page of things that this couple have argued about. Really. The guy is British, the girl is German. They live in England with their 2 sons. Don't miss scrolling over the photo of Margaret on the left side of the page. I laughed so hard I cried when I first read the page, so I missed the photo. Oh, and don't send him an e-mail asking why they aren't married or why they are still together. He already thinks the Americans online are pretty much twits. Especially good is his FAQ section that's just for Americans. BTW, this is on my jump page with its abbreviated title.

The next is Television Without Pity. I've just started watching Survivor this season in order to play an online "who's gonna win" game with some interpreters. There are a bazillion shows recapped on this site. I've linked to the main page here. Check out the drop-down menu on the top right of the page to pick a show. On my jump page I'll be linking straight to this season's Survivor page.

And finally, thanks to a link on Television Without Pity, we have Tomato Nation. The important thing to share is her Find Don page. Perhaps you or someone you know can help her tell this man thank you. Check it out and see if you can help. I don't know him, so this link is my way.

If you feel up to it, read about her experiences on 9/11 (there's also a link on the Find Don page). It's three pages long, and pretty intense. She was not in the Towers, but very close. It's the first story I've read that helped me understand how being there meant that you couldn't trust that it was over after the second of the Towers fell. It's also the first that talks about someone looking at the papers that were strewn on the ground, and seeing a victim's personal item. I had (morbidly, I suppose) wondered why no one had seemed to see a necklace, or watch, or anything personal in the items that fell.

So, that's what I have to share. My birthday is coming up. We are taking a long weekend in South Lake Tahoe, but not until the 16th-18th. Next weekend we're going to a movie and then out for ice cream. Other than that, we're working.

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