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21 April 2004 - 9:45 PM


Matt and I have been on the South Beach Diet since March 1st. I don't know about him, but so far I've lost 20 pounds. I am thrilled. And really I don't feel like I'm on a diet, I just feel like I'm making smarter food choices. I thought I wouldn't be able to not eat bread, but I'm getting my oatmeal in the mornings and I just don't really need all the brown sugar on it or the toast. It's working really well, I feel good, and I still have the energy to go to my circuit weight training class 4 nights per week. In fact, I've probably lost more pounds of fat since I've been gaining pounds of muscle. I didn't really set a weight-loss goal for myself, I just wanted to be healthier. I think that's happening. One thing is for sure: my pants are falling off and no amount of belting will help. In fact, I bought a really nice belt in 1998 when I quit my job, went back to school, and bought a few nice work outfits (thinking that I'd have to do temp work � which I didn't). Where was I going? Oh, yeah, I've about grown out of that belt. As in it's too big. That's some lost inches there.

I contacted a Justice of the Peace today. She was recommended by the site where we are having our wedding. She reminded me of my grandma on the phone, but maybe that was just her smokers' cough. She's charging us an extra $50 because our wedding is late at night, but I think that's reasonable. She's also done weddings where there have been sign language interpreters before, so that made me feel a lot better. She's sending me an info packet and has put me on her calendar. Funny, she doesn't want a deposit. She just wants us to come in and pay when we're in the building to buy our license. Ah, small town trust.

The problem I ran into today was in trying to contact the interpreter. I had someone from Bozeman lined up, but her e-mail address and her phone number don't work anymore. I fired off an e-mail to the person who referred me to her to see if they have new contact info. Now all that's left is the flowers/lighting. I still have to get a hold of the recommended florist and convince them that I only want my bouquet, but to do the lighting for us. I hope that idea goes over well. I'm just not sure how we are going to have enough light for the interpreters to be seen and the photographer to do his job, but still have our wedding in the dark with "you can see the stars" ambience. I'm hoping that mason jars with sand and candles will work out. Not too fancy, but kind of fun. Maybe marbles instead of sand? Or maybe the lighting chick will have some cool ideas.

I'm off to take in some of my pants. Did I mention I lost 20 pounds?

15 April 2004 - 12:11 AM

I got a phone!

After quite some time without a cell phone, I fell for a saleswomen at Costco today. They had a special members only deal with Sprint that was better than anything I could find anywhere else. I had been holding out because I wanted:

  1. no contract
  2. a free phone
  3. less than $30 per month
  4. unlimited text messaging

Unfortunately, that plan doesn't exist. This Sprint plan does have a free phone (after mail-in rebate) and unlimited texting, but there's a 2-year contract and it's about $40 per month. However, Matt and I are sharing 500 anytime minutes, we have unlimited calls within Sprint's network (so that means we can call each other for free without it counting against our minutes), our nighttime minutes are unlimited (and night starts at 7pm -- you've seen the ad with the sorority girls), we have no roaming charges and free long distance calls.

All this extravagance is because I got such nice refunds from Uncle Sam and Gov. Schwarzenegger. Because this was Costco, I had to pay � and they don't take credit cards � and then I'll get rebates back in 8-14 weeks. I'll be mailing those puppies off as soon as the phone numbers start working. Hopefully that will be tomorrow. That's when I'll let people know the number too. Not that I'll post it here. I'm not that tired.

Good night.

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